Letipea Lighthouse

Nav. Sign Number


Nav. Sign Name

Letipea Lighthouse



Short Description

White four-sided concrete tower

Is In Nav. Registry


Open for Visitors



North Estonia


Letipea, 44013 Lääne-Viru maakond


59.552558, 26.606339

Light Mode

On in the Dark

Year of Construction

1930, 1936

Light Characteristics

Fl(4) W 18 s

Light Visibility Distance

7.0 miili

Light Height From Ground

14.8 m

Light Height From Sea

19 m

The lighthouse is located near Kunda on the Letipea cape and marks what protrudes on the north coast

Ltipea peninsula and helps to orient oneself at sea.

The first wooden lighthouse, which was 40 feet above sea level, was built by merchant Šerbin. The mark was helpful in forest transport from Narva to Tallinn, making it safer to pass through the narrow waterway between the Uhtju Islands and Letipea Cape. The lighthouse existed for only two years, 1815-1816. Later, its lantern and equipment

were moved

To the Rodskär (Rodšer) lighthouse in the Gulf of Finland).

1930. a rescue station was built on Cape Letipea in Slips ran from the boathouse to the sea on both sides of the cape

1936. In 2008, a 16-m-high, two-meter-diameter standard lighthouse was built on the cape, equipped with an automatic acetylene lantern and sector lights: white 50°-58°, green 58°-105°, white 105°-153°, red 153°-163°, green 163° -171.5° and white 171.5° to the beach. Visibility of the light at 17 m above sea level was 12 miles, character: Fl(3) W/R/G 12 s; (0.3 + 1.2) x 2 + 0.3 + 8.7 = 12 s Colored sectors of fire warned of Uhtju islands and shallows in the coastal sea.

The lighthouse was destroyed in 1941 in the Second World War. In 1945, an automatic acetylene lantern was temporarily installed on top of the chimney of the old cordon ruins 10 m above sea level, where it was visible for 12 miles, light character: Iso W/R/G 4 s; 2 + 2 = 4 sts. The colored sectors of fire were analogous to the pre-war ones.

1951. a new 15 m high four-sided stone concrete standard lighthouse was built.

The nature of the fire and the fire sectors remained the same. In the 1980s, the lighthouse was switched to nuclear battery power. After these devices were removed in 1993, the light did not burn until 1995.

1995. In 2008, an automatic system powered by solar-wind energy was installed, which worked with the former EMN-500 (ЭMH-500) lantern. The fire took on a character that has remained to this day. In 2007, the lighting device was updated with a circular sector LED lamp E 8274. The colored light sectors were removed.

On Letipea cape, if you look closely, you can also notice the lighthouse built in 1936 and destroyed in the last war, as well as the ruins of the old cordon.